About Us

Best Computer Repair Shop in Trichy

Having problems with your computer or laptop? Don't worry; SM Computer has you covered. We can repair all types of laptops and computers. Whether your computer is running slowly, your software isn’t working correctly or you think you've got a virus, our computer repair shop in Trichy will be able to fix the problem for you. Give us a call at +91 7867967001 to book an appointment today.

Simple answers, rapid solutions

We offer our comprehensive services to all of our customers, whether you’re a home user or a business. We are geeks, yes, but unlike some we don't bury our customers in jargon. We make sure you understand everything that is going on during the service. If you'd prefer us to walk you through each step, we're happy to impart our knowledge to you. Or, for someone who simply wants the job to be done - we offer an efficient service to get you up and running with a new machine, as soon as possible.

Bespoke & tailored work

Our energy and excitement have allowed us to help customers far and wide, gaining us a reputation for quality in the world of computer repairs. We are trusted, respected and promise you a great service that will get your beloved tech up and running before you know it. We make everything easy to understand for customers and we are always fair.


By appointment only
Debit & Credit cards accepted
24/7 availability
Internet service


"My computer skills are limited, and several times we had either viruses or some computer glitch that left our business computer paralyzed. In all cases, my PC Techs came to the rescue to bail us out. Quick turn-around time, economical repairs, and personalized service keep us loyal to their business. Thanks!!!" 

Feb 18, 2020

"I would like to give a testimonial to My PC Techs: I just priced out a computer with them where I needed multiple screens (4), the fastest components possible and the retail price was $8,500+. Since they're Dell partners, that computer priced out at $4,800 + tax. If you're looking for the right computer for the best price, you need to speak to them - I can't say how impressed I am. Thanks again!" 

Feb 18, 2020

"I feel that being honest and up front with people as my PC Techs were with us they will surely be the computer techs to go with. The service was great not to mention the cost. They will have a very satisfied customer with us. Thank You." 

Feb 18, 2020








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